Dumbbell concentration curl - Illustration of single-arm dumbbell squat curl movement

Dumbbell Concentration Cur is actually a single-arm dumbbell squat curl.

Target exercise parts: Exercise biceps, brachialis, brachialis flexor

Action essentials:

1. Starting position: Squat on the ground or sit on a bench, hold a dumbbell in one hand, place the elbow of your upper arm against the inner thigh of the same side, and relax your forearm straight down. The fingers of the other hand are pressed inwards on the other thigh, with the hand slightly bent.

2. Action process: Contract the biceps of the arm holding the dumbbell and bend the forearm upward. When it reaches the highest possible point, completely contract the biceps for 1-2 seconds, then extend the elbow joint and let the dumbbell slowly fall. to the starting position. After practicing one side, switch to the other side. Practice this over and over again.

3. Breathing method: Inhale when you bend your forearms, and start exhaling when you reach the highest point until you reach the lowest point.


1. The purpose of keeping the upper arm against the thigh is to ensure that the elbow does not move when bending the forearm. Generally, the contraction process takes longer than the lowering time.short.

2. Similar actions of the rope puller:

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