In this video from personal trainer Alistair, he discusses tips to stay on track with your food intake while on vacation.

When you book a vacation one of the first things you think of, other than trying to relax, is what amazing foods will I eat!

Haha we do not judge here because we are guilty as charged when it comes to food tasting while abroad. Usually if you are wanting to eat local specialties, the food is not junk processed food that are highly in calories and unhealthy ingredients.

There are simple tips you can follow that will keep your fitness goals on track and still allow you to enjoy many local foods.

Keep these tips in mind when booking your next trip.

???? Go to a local grocery store and purchase fruit and/or vegetables that are pre-cut and you can keep in your room fridge for snacks, breakfast etc.

???? Choose your menu item ahead of time so it reduces the likely hood of someone influencing your choice etc.

???? Order one or two appetizers or one main dish, not both.

???? Drink water all day to stay hydrated and full.

???? Choose whole foods like meat protein, fruits, veggies, cheese and listen to your body when it tells you that you are satisfied. Never over eat or under eat.

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