When you are starting to contemplate getting your bike out for another season of outdoor riding, be sure to have it properly serviced. You can either take it to a local service shop or do it yourself. Here is a list of things you definitely need done to make sure your bike and you are ready to get the most out of our short season.

1- Lubricate the chain before, during and after the cycling season.

2- Inflate the tires to match the type of riding you will be doing.

3- Replace or use tires that are meant for the particular type of riding you will be doing.

4- Have a comfortable seat that is fit for your needs and comfort.

5- Adjust your brakes and check the cables to ensure they are properly working.

6- Restock your repair kit that you have with you on your rides.

7- Wear a properly fitted helmet as safety is first when riding.

8- Make sure you have water with you at all times.

9- Let someone know when, where and for how long you will be gone on a ride.

10- Stay up to date on all street riding rules and make sure you have reflective clothing/markers on at all times.

These are some very important guidelines to follow but most importantly try to have fun and enjoy exercise outdoors as much as possible. For more information contact us today and book a consultation with our world class personal trainers.


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