Bodybuilders or others who are interested in developing quadriceps volume rather than strength can pause at the lowest point of the movement to eliminate elastic energy or explosive power for better results.

Keep your back straight and lift your chest. When rising, you should raise your head first, then your chest, and finally your shoulders. If you straighten your legs first, this will cause your hips to rise faster than your shoulders, which will cause your upper body to lean forward and therefore shift your balance toward your heels.

The action sticking point is about 1/3. Using too much weight or arching your back will inadvertently create a leverage disadvantage. When this occurs, there are two ways to compensate. One is to thrust your hips forward. If that doesn't work, use your hands to push your thighs back to help pass the sticking point. If necessary, you can also have two belayers stand on either side of you, with each belayer placing one hand under your biceps femoris and the other under your chest to assist.

Sometimes, in addition to a rounded back, balance problems occur, especially when the hips rise faster than the shoulders. If you don't have a belayer, it's a good idea to have an upright, fixed object in the middle of the bench, such as a post or a squat box. , someone's head, or parallel bars, etc. This way you can hold onto something to help you get past the sticking point when you reach failure. An added bonus is that you can maintain a very upright squat position by using an upright restraint. This will create maximum muscle tension in the thighs and minimize stress on the back.

When you complete your ascent, exhale all the air. Don't lock your knees at the top; instead, create constant tension in your thighs by maintaining 5 degrees of knee flexion.

PRO TIP: When you feel you have perfect balance, place a wooden broomstick on your shoulders to simulate a squat bar. I mention this here because many hip-belt squatters once master this move. , seems to prefer doing it this way.

PRO Tip: Doing incline hip-belt squats and biceps femoris simultaneously is a terrible exercise for the lower end of the quadriceps.

Hip-Belt Squat Training Plan

This is a classic squat training program to develop strength, strength, muscles, and cardiovascular system.

The first group: warm-up group, 20 times.

The second group: warm-up group, 15 times.

The third group: warm-up group, 10 times.

The fourth group: Heavy load group, 8 times to absolute failure.

The fifth set: high-rep set, 40-100 times.

Decreasing rest between each set - pause, (in other words, if you just started this program, it would be level one, which would take 2 and a half minutes to 3Minute rest between sets. )

Level 1: 2 and a half minutes to 3 minutes.

Level 2: 2 minutes to 2 and a half minutes.

Level 3: 1 minute to 1 and a half minutes.

Level 4: 45 to 60 seconds.

Level 5: 30 seconds.

Stay there for about 1-2 weeks before advancing to the next level.


1. Calculate the weight to use when going from one set to the next (either increasing or decreasing) to match the number of reps you need to do.

2. Do Hip-Belt Squat training once or twice a week on consecutive training days, depending on strength, endurance and mental state.

3. During sets one through four, pause briefly for 1-2 seconds between each movement. Between the last few reps of set five, you may need to pause for 5-10 seconds.

That’s it, I think I’ve given you the information you need to do this great exercise, I really hope you’ll give the Hip Belt Squat a try in your leg workouts and benefit from this anabolic booster . Pump up!

Translation annotation: This seems to be a series, secret moves?! I have seen pictures of the same style in other places, with more than ten moves. Please flip through it when you have time.

Use heavy dumbbells to experience this movement.


Designed with Fat Lose Together