In this video Flex Fitness personal trainer, Jessi Montgomery, demonstrated an excellent workout that expecting mothers can do at home. This workout is low impact, targets the imbalances that occur with muscles during pregnancy. Certain muscles get weak (quads, glutes, abs, pelvic floor, upper back, ) and certain muscles get very tight (chest, shoulders, low back, hamstrings and calves). It is important to target the weak areas and to do regular stretching for the tight areas. Be sure to put exercises for these areas in your weekly exercise program. Here are some other great pregnancy exercise tips:

1- Don’t hold your breath to ensure a constant blood flow to the baby.
2- Think of breathing with belly and “sucking in” when breathing out, this will engage your TVA and help you connect with the pelvic floor.
3- Drink a sip of water between every 2-3 exercises.
4- Keep a window open, use a fan or go outside to ensure constant air flow and avoid over heating.

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