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Many people use a lot of weight to do exercises, but the movements may not be standardized; many middle-aged and elderly people use too light weights to practice on fitness machines without regulations. Others were exercising aimlessly on treadmills or stationary bikes, feeling at a loss as to why they were doing these exercises. There is an "old joke" that seems to happen every day: A man drives to the gym to exercise, and it takes him a full 15 minutes to find a parking space closer to the main entrance. After arriving at the gym, he runs on the treadmill for 30 minutes before rushing again. Training ended.

We’ve divided all exercises into six categories: squats, deadlifts, lunges, push, pull and twists. You can perform many movements based on these 6 types of movements. No matter whether the muscles are large or small, any part of the body can be exercised.

1 Turn

If you like to do the most fashionable exercises at the moment, maybe you will choose sit-ups. This exercise can indeed build those abdominal muscles, but what is the use of it? Outside the gym, bending forward is the more common action. Due to gravity, the waist muscles bear more force than the abdominal muscles. . Turning is perhaps most obvious when playing golf, but in wrestling or when you're trying to pull or move something heavy, turning at the waist can unleash a lot of force.

The muscle responsible for turning is the obliques, which can be stronger than you think. If it weren't for the presence of the rectus abdominis on the front of the body, the external obliques could tear your body apart if you're not careful. Perhaps one of the important roles of the rectus abdominis is to balance the force coming from the external obliques.

Classic exercise method: weight-bearing fitness ball sit-ups. Hold a suitably sized barbell in front of your chest with both hands, spread your legs so that your neck, torso and thighs are in a straight line and parallel to the ground, and then begin to contract your abdominal muscles. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the rectus abdominis and eliminate excessive force when turning with excessive force.

Other exercises: Cable twists. First stand on the right side of the high tensioner, hold the handle of the tensioner, turn as far to the right as possible, and then return to the starting position. Repeat this until you reach the target number of times, then switch to the other side.

 2 squats

If you know how important the development and strength of the lower limbs are to our ancestors, then you will have a correct understanding of lower limb exercises in fitness. You will know: from the large quadriceps to the gluteal muscles, Small muscles such as the inner thighs and calves are also important.

Classic exercise method: Place the barbell on the squat rack at chest height and stand facing the barbell. Hold the barbell with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, lift the barbell up, and step back a certain distance away from the squat rack. With your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight, slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then rise to a straight position without locking your knees.

Other exercises: While no exercise can compete with the squat in terms of effectiveness and versatility, you can perform squats with dumbbells instead of barbells, which allows you to achieve more reps with less weight.

3 lunges

Squats and deadlifts are trained by using the legs to exert force symmetrically and parallelly. However, in practice, there are many situations where it is necessary to adopt a stance such as a lunge. Lunges are very different from squats. Lunges use more hip flexors, because people who sit for a long time can easily compress this muscle and cause physical discomfort. Lunges force your hip flexors, increasing the flexibility and strength of this muscle.

Classic practice method: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, take a big step forward with your left foot until your knee is bent at 90 degrees, and your thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight during the movement. Then push your left leg up to return to the starting position, and then switch to your right leg to do this action.

Other exercises: Step up exercises. Use a training bench at knee height or a stable bench to repeatedly go up and down the steps, alternating on both sides. Do enough target reps.

 4 Deadlift

Lifting heavy objects from the ground is a very basic and commonly used action. The most obvious benefit of practicing the deadlift is that you will learn how to lift heavy objects with correct form and avoid injury.

Classic exercise method: Place a pair of lighter barbells flat on the floor, facing the barbell, with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell directly above your toes. Bend your knees. Hold the bar front and back with both hands (palm of one hand forward and palm of the other hand backward), with your knees sandwiched between your arms. Keeping your head and back straight, slowly stand up while keeping the barbell close to your body. Stand up straight (knees not locked), pause for a moment, and then slowly lower the barbell back to the ground.

Other exercises: "Good morning" leaning over exercise. This movement is a partial combination of the deadlift and lunge. You have to climb the steps first, then bend forward as much as possible. Repeat this for the target number of times.

5 "Pull"

For the human body, be responsible“The muscle group responsible for "pull" is stronger than the muscle group responsible for "push". This has something to do with our ancestors who are accustomed to living in the woods. If you have any doubts about this, please row the boat in the pulling way and use it with Compare the pushing method with rowing, and you will immediately understand that when the human body performs a "push" or "pull" action, it will use different parts of the back muscles, chest muscles, shoulder muscles, or different components of a certain muscle. And as the force angle changes, the focus of these muscles will also change.

Classic exercise method: pull-ups. Grasp the bar with both hands, with the grip slightly wider than shoulder width, and the tiger's mouth facing each other. Lower your body first and straighten your arms without locking your elbows. Pull your body up so that your chest is close to the horizontal bar. Then lower it back down.

Other exercises: You'll see a lot of people doing "3-point" rows, or "one-arm rows" usually using a training bench: They hold a dumbbell in one hand, with one foot on the floor and one arm on the other side. Support on a training bench and kneel on the same knee on the bench. However, this approach is quite different from our usual work behavior, so you can change the 3-point rowing to 2-point rowing: without using a training bench, when pulling heavy objects with one hand, the other arm is behind your back. After doing the target number of times on one side, switch to the other side.

 6 “Push”

The number of muscles responsible for "pushing" is not large. Almost a few muscles are enough to complete all "pushing" movements. In reality, all kinds of pushing, whether it is throwing or pushing a car, are mainly divided by the force angle of the arm relative to the body.

Classic exercise method: Lie on your back on a bench press at 30 to 45 degrees, with your arms straight so that the barbell is directly above your chin. Lower the barbell to your collarbone in a controlled manner. This exercise focuses on the upper chest muscles.

Other exercises: "T" push-ups, which are a combination of push and twist movements. Start by doing push-ups. When you stand up, turn to one side and reach toward the ceiling with the arm on the same side. Form the letter "T". Do enough target reps on one side and switch to the other side. You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by grabbing heavy objects such as barbell plates with your hands.

Designed with Fat Lose Together